4. My Ankle!!! I Hate Matt Wall Podcast
Hey there! Today I talk about my drunk stream, how much weight I lost this week, my fucked up ankle and more! I read the poems the reason for merlot… Continue reading
Hey there! Today I talk about my drunk stream, how much weight I lost this week, my fucked up ankle and more! I read the poems the reason for merlot… Continue reading
you see merlot is shit you know it I know it we all know it but you need to drink merlot every once in a while so that the taste… Continue reading
you ran in my room so quickly it took a second to figure out what the fuck to do I turned in my chair looking for a shoe unaware that… Continue reading
she was bent over leaning into a car window that was lower than her hips she was wearing small black skin tight shorts the lower half of her cheeks were… Continue reading
https://www.patreon.com/posts/54485364 Hey all! I just posted a recording and lyrics of my song River of Lost Souls that you may have heard on the last episode of my podcast. If… Continue reading
there is nothing better in the whole wide world than after a hot shower a long one you get out dry off and clean your ears w/ Q-Tips. The feeling… Continue reading
she was screaming face red eyes bloodshot veins popping out of her neck I fucking hate you! every time you call me I want to put a fucking knife in… Continue reading
Get the 250 page paperback collection of 6 poetry chapbooks! Fingering the Mundane is LIVE now! You can check out all the perks you can get from helping out here… Continue reading