118: Why i quit the podcast – IHMWPP

and also why poetry and being a poet is freaking embarrassing! Get my new book of poetry Confessions of a Man Whose Everything Exploded! New Poems 2024 email me at… Continue reading
and also why poetry and being a poet is freaking embarrassing! Get my new book of poetry Confessions of a Man Whose Everything Exploded! New Poems 2024 email me at… Continue reading
go sign up for chasey’s substack! https://chaseyd.substack.com/welcome join my new tiers! get adam crawford’s audiobooks https://adamcrawfordpoet.bandcamp.com midlife by matthew buckley smith https://a.co/d/dRcaDeF shaylynn’s book: get her book at http://www.shaylynnmarks.com get… Continue reading
#poetrycommunity #writingtips #selfsabotage watch the playlist here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCgboGUzHfzY8o-1XrXU_rkTO3LGYaD-J&si=ygBMp55d1mrQROEh get my chapbooks at by emailing me at ihatemattwall at gmail dot com Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa_Bj_lFQ5nCbM6flBlKhYA/join… Continue reading
topics: midlife by matthew buckley smith https://a.co/d/dRcaDeF i will be at the Bombay beach lit fest on march 23rd! come see me! join my new tiers! shaylynn’s book: get her… Continue reading
topics: midlife by matthew buckley smith https://a.co/d/dRcaDeF writing book blurbs ben marcus how he puts poems in a manuscript writing to theme are books important? drunk lullaby auden measure press… Continue reading
topics: making Pheromones throwing a book release party “we need to get out of our houses” aging … i shouldn’t romanticize writing through the stages of grief how much time… Continue reading
topics: the importance of social media marketing email lists self publishing are you a writer if no one reads you print vs. online advertising facebook ads get Shaylynn Marks’ new… Continue reading
topics: what poetry anarchy is how the press came about a few bad apples my move what the future holds get matt wall books: https://amzn.to/3OKPufL Join the Anarchy Crew to… Continue reading
thanks to Sam for the questions and inspiration for this episode! topics: my early writing who got my into writing how i first started it as a business is etsy… Continue reading
Get Micahels book Pinball Wizard at http://www.pinballwizardbook.com topics: mediation religion bukowski rambling jack elliot notes of a dirty old man LA free press larry flint chic magazine writing advice from… Continue reading