Ep 22: Why are poets so F’n SLOW? IHMWPP

Topics include:
Why are poets so slow?
First Kiss by Tim Seibles
I read my poem First Kiss
What metaphors are actually for
Who are you writing for?
Can you like your poetry if you hate yourself?
writing prompt

My video on Who you are writing for: https://youtu.be/FH7voT0Mbs8
My video on can you like your poetry if you hate yourself: https://youtu.be/SVzMhdbKWS0

Find Dimitri Reyes at www/dimitrireyespoet.com

Read First Kiss by Tim Seibles at: https://www.fishousepoems.org/first-kiss/

Pick up The Zombie Zero books at my amazon page!

pick up Preview of a Dangerous Mind at my etsy shop below!

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